Hospital Information Systems
The workflow based Hospital Information System will enhance the patient’s experience, whilst providing a streamlined and cost effective operating environment for you, the Healthcare provider. Workflow can help drive this capability giving significant patient benefits together with providing significant cost savings at the same time. Workflow software will deliver a reduction in overheads and improve patient service and meets the following business objectives.Support Innovation with flexibility.
Allowing the staff, in particular the primary care givers, such as physicians, nurses, social workers, and others, in inpatient and outpatient settings to deliver patient focused services while ensuring predefined standards are adhered to. It is also designed to be used by medical and coding clerks. A variety of different data entry methods are possible with this software.
Speed of response.
Faster retrieval time for clinicians. One of the biggest business issues facing hospitals today is bed turnaround time. Timely discharge of patients not only translates into available beds for new inpatients that need immediate care, but also means revenue for the organization. If beds are not turned around quickly, hospitals must divert new patients, which leads to a dissatisfied patient population and lost revenue, something few healthcare enterprises can afford. Analysis shows that if turnaround time could be shortened by just a few hours, hospitals could realize millions in additional annual income. Workflow software includes deadline management and escalation. Any process that exceeds the preferred completion time can be re-prioritised, re-assigned or escalated. Notification of a deadline will be reported in real-time and also logged for later analysis.
Encourages cross-departmental cooperation and collaborative working.
Workflow Software can manage ad-hoc, collaborate style working where required and at the same time ensure that company policies and procedures are followed.
Getting the Right Information to the Right Person at the Right Time.
Moving information and data around the hospital in a timely, secure and reliable manner is a key benefit in using the Hospital Information System. Within the Hospital Information System there an numerous different data types and sources, this data has to be consolidated and presented to the correct care giver in a manner that suites them.
Why you would use workflow in a hospital
Patient Service
• Create a patient and care giver centric operating model with focus on patient/doctor relationship.
• Provide all care giving staff with all the required information to deliver patient satisfaction
• Delivering high levels of productivity and efficiency
• Maximise utilization of resources, mitigating headcount pressures
• Faster-time to-production for inexperienced new hires
• Effective management of different phases of patient care
• Elimination of operating errors
• Remove inconsistency in service and procedures
• Monitoring and reporting of the operation with proactive controls and escalation.
• Fully auditable compliance to industry regulation built into processes
• Comprehensive and transparent reporting of performance metrics
• Enhance staff capabilities and reduce attrition
• Enable more effective targeting of spend, benefits quantification
• Incentives for process improvement and operating model evolution
Improvements in the process of seamlessly moving patients, information and resources throughout the healthcare continuum are at the heart of the partnerships between The Hospital Information System and healthcare providers.
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