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Wednesday December 21, 2011 |
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Rush Limbaugh’s Criticisms about Obama
I’ve been listening to 1290 AM WJNO for 2 years, and I like to pay attention to Rush Limbaugh for many reasons. First, I like his personality, even though I disagree with many of his ideas. Second, I strongly believe that he loves this country, which is my son’s, Benecdael, country too. Third, he is funny and serious about his ideology. Furthermore, I love people no matter what their race, their ideology, and their faith are. Moreover, I think that he is a courageous man. Finally, he has an incredible impact on his fans, although I disagree with him in many things.
According to Rush, things are falling apart in the White House because they are working on so many things at one time.
I think that working on so many things at one time, if based on a well organized plan, will not fail. I base this on the fact that Obama took the Oval Office at a time when so many things were going wrong. For example, the economic downturn, job losses, high gas prices, two wars going on, and the bankruptcy of many big financial institutions that drive the economy, fraudulent mortgage lenders that played a disastrous role in the economic trouble that this country is experiencing, and so on.
There are no supernatural solutions to these problems. There¬fore, working to solve one and leaving the other one for a later time is not the right approach because they are correlated. Opposing Rush’s thoughts, I think the government is right by working on so many things at once based on the urgency of the situation. My thoughts are based on my effort to always see things beyond partisanship.
I have studied many of the world’s great presidents, and I don’t find any capable of resolving all the fundamental problems of a society in 1 year.
Rush said that the situation is scary because the latest Rasmussen poll shows that 42 percent of the American people do not want any changes. They don’t want a public option in health care if it means they lose their own coverage that they have now.
I can’t help but think about the 58 percent of the American people who wish for their friends, family members, and their children to have access to affordable health care.
When the president explains that more than 40 million Americans, including children, are without health care, the people with the best coverage should not take great offense because it would be absolutely wrong for a responsible government to not do anything. I am undeniably convinced that is not socialism; that is the deepest sense of patriotism instead. Capitalism does not mean that the rich should be scared if the middle class has access to a government program that can help them receive healthcare coverage.
According to Rush, the budgets that have been projected for 10 years submitted by Obama we’re at ten or $11 trillion spent that we don’t have.
Now, my question is as follows: Did Obama find a budget surplus or deficit from the previous administration?
It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that the deficit, or debt, was among the bad gifts left by the previous administration. I think what went wrong before can affect tremendously what is going to happen after.
Rush said, “No one should die from rationed medical care because America is broke.” I know if someone should die, regardless of the reason, neither the most expensive medical coverage nor the least expensive one will probably make a difference. The reality is if somebody can afford to go to his doctor for regular checkups, take his medications properly, and be worry-free about exorbitant expenses, that would elimi¬nate a great deal of anxiety for more than 40 million people.
No one should die from rationed medical care be¬cause America is broke. It is not reasonable to let people die in the lobby of an emergency room just because they don’t have insurance, and therefore, they will have to wait longer than they should to receive care.
Rush said it is outrageous what is happening today. We are learning that there are aspects of the bill that can’t be repealed, particularly a medical exchange plan that really sets the stage for the government takeover of health care. It cannot be repealed. A rule has been violated; the Constitution has been violated.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution said that the Congress shall have Power to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the forego¬ing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. I am still searching in the Constitution of the United States through Amendment XXVII (1992) to find out where a rule has been violated.
As a result, I see that the government is trying to fix a problem that has been ne¬glected for too long, such as health care. This is not liberal, this is not what liberalism is, and there is no loss of economic prosperity or individual freedom, and so forth.
I am not trying to defend Obama’s policy, because I don’t have any interest to do so, but I would like to see this society come together in a way that it has never been before where a responsible government can help prevent uncontrollable economic crisis. I would like to see the government give all citizens a chance to have a healthcare system that will not make people scared to buy coverage without feeling they are being taken advantage of.
Rush said that he went and looked up a number of things that the Founding Fathers found outrageous and that were the tipping point for them, the things that caused them to rebel and found this country—and they were nothing compared to what is happening in this piece of legislation.
If I understand this point, the healthcare legislation is repressive, colonialist, oppressive, cruel, brutal, and tyrannical. No, Rush! I think rushing to speak can create an assortment of wrong perceptions.
I agree with Rush when he said that the president has talked about how vicious Club Gitmo is. Because a terrorist is not somebody to play around with, the president should make adjustments to the system that was put in place in Gitmo. It is not right to make the world feel that the American government at any time was more terrorizing than a terrorist group or individual. Yes, in this chaotic world, it is not considered as rebuilding the moral fabric of America. On the contrary, that is the worst destruction of the moral fabric of America.
November 9, 2009, Rush accused the president of not caring about success in Afghanistan. Nowadays, this accusation is not well rooted when I know that Obama’s administration is investing in a strong, responsive, well-trained, and well-equipped U.S. military that can fight and win the nation’s wars. I know that the administration is working to make the U.S. Armed Forces capable of prevailing in their current operations and the missions they are most likely to face, while developing capabilities to deter potential adversaries and provide a hedge against other risks and contingencies.
In its policies, this administration incorporates lessons learned from our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. First and foremost, Obama’s administration will ensure that the American troops have the training, equipment, and support that they need when they are deployed, and the care that they and their families need and deserve.
From, I can read the following statement: “Take Care of Our Troops, Military Families, and Veterans” “Expand Ground Forces to Meet Military Needs and Improve Quality of Life: Increasing end strength in the Army and Marine Corps will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments, reduce the strain on military families, and help put an end to stop loss. We also plan to halt end strength reductions in the Air Force and Navy.”
“Lighten Burdens on Our Brave Troops and Their Families: Those in uniform are not the only ones who serve; military families are a top priority for this Administration. The President has announced plans to raise military pay and continue providing quality child-care, job-training for spouses, and expanded coun¬seling and outreach to families that have known the separation and stress of war.”
Once again, I suggest Rush to not make himself look as if he is doing a masterful job of confusing his fans, intelligent citizens, and educators in this nation about this new president. I understand how easy it is to criticize instead of appreciate, but anyone with common sense should be able to make the clear distinction between right and wrong and have courage to be conscious about the good work of somebody else. For example, I disagree with Rush on many things, but I admire his talent and his courage.
Rush said that Democrats are “dead meat” if they pass health care. That is to say that more than 40 million people are dead meat if the government helps them to finally have access to healthcare coverage. I strongly reject this point of view. What about the millions of citizens without health care? Are they dead meat?
Continues... |
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