Tuesday, 10 January 2012

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"Earth" Temperature Just Below Frost Line
By Anonymous Poster in General Discussion

If the temperature below frost line is "heating" during winter and "cooling" in summer, why isn't that concept used in home building? Does "geothermal" have to mean pipes and pumps installed below frost line, and full of fluid? (which is pretty expensive).

Using Electronic Ballast Instead of Inductance?
By shoebelixir in Electrical Engineering

We have a goniophotometer that produces photometric data of our lighting fixtures. My question is will the test report of the gonio-photometer will differ if we use electronic ballast instead of inductance ballast.

RTD Checks Procedures
By Noor in Instrumentation

Hi, If RTD is installed in electric motor but I have doubt if the sensor is working fine and is malfunctioning, RTD is impeded within motor circuit. How to determine if is working fine and what is the Ohms should measures if motor is down?

Oracle Apps - Lot Control
By muthukrishnan in Software & Programming

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Lot control attribute in Oracle Apps?

GE DC300 Puzzle
By badhabitrabbit in Mechanical Engineering

Morning all, We have a GE DC 300 drive used for variable spindle speeds on a horizontal lathe with a two speed headstock controlled by a Fanuc 18TB cnc control. On the drive there are only two parameters that I'm aware of for selecting the ACELT & DCELT time. Parameters 057 & 058. To preven ...more

Methane Fuel Cells
By Ron Davison in Sustainable Engineering

How can I commercially clean up hydrogen sulfide from useful methane from a "stripper" oil/gas well? Where can I buy large (1 MegaWatt+) methane fuel cells?

Shipping Costs
By NSS in General Discussion

There is a heated discussion happening on this web page. Caution some nasty language there. http://www.freespeechwisconsin.com/index.php/topic,2717.0.html It first starts off asking if the war in Iraq was worth doing. But then it morphed into how the USA is leaving millions and millions of dollars ... more

When Did You Get Indoor Plumbing?
By ddk in General Discussion

I've been following kramarat thread on A World Without Oil Some of the comments about living off the grid got me to wondering when people got "modern" conviences. I know the farmhouse I was raised in didn't get indoor plumbing until after I was born. Probably 1955-57 time period. My wife grew up ... more

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December 20, 1951 – Electricity Produced by Nuclear Energy
posted in "On This Day" In Engineering History

Four 200-watt light bulbs, wired in series, were illuminated by electricity produced by nuclear energy for the first time in 1951. This occurred at the experimental breeder reactor EBR-I in Arco, Idaho. EBR-I supplied sufficient electricity to power its own building. It was decommissioned in 1964 ... more

Facebook and Twitter: Useful Engineering Tools?
posted in Motors Blog

It seems like everyone is talking about Facebook and Twitter these days. These social networking tools are certainly fun. But can they serve more serious purposes as well, especially for the engineer? If you're using Facebook or Twitter for any work-related purpose, please tell us about what you're ... more

Do You Have a Favorite Key Perfomance Indicator?
posted in Plant & Facilities Engineering

Six Sigma values. Productivity. Rework percentages. Unplanned downtime. Actual versus planned costs. Overall equipment effectiveness. They're all examples of key performance indicators (KPI) that show where your company is succeeding and failing. Do you have a favorite that best captures the perform ... more

Shifting Gears: Driving with the Sun
posted in Alternative & Renewable Energy Blog

A Do the Math blog post analyzes prospects for the solar-powered car, concluding that 100% on-board solar or battery/roof-mounted PV solutions are not technically or economically feasible. More practical are stand-alone PV and grid-tied PV options for charging EVs. Do you think that solar-powered au ... more

U.S. Energy Revolution Blueprint
posted in Alternative & Renewable Energy Blog

To save the national economy hundreds of billions of dollars per year by 2050, the U.S. government should invest a few billion dollars more annually to foster energy technology innovations. This major recommendation from a three-year Harvard Kennedy School study argues that doubling energy RD&D ... more

Good Samaritans Return Stolen 1962 Dodge Lancer to its Rightful Owner
posted in Hemmings Motor News Blog

Even though Stan Aiton only bought his 1962 Dodge Lancer last year, he'd been saving parts for the restoration and modification of just such a car for the last 41 years, so he was crushed when the Lancer, fitted with those parts, was stolen earlier this year. Thanks to the actions of some good Samar ...more

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Little H2 and He on the Earth Compared to Other Planets
By Clarke Shugart in Chemical & Material Science

Since both elements are involved in fusion, it follows that the age of the earth may well be older than the other planets, therefore loss of these lighter elements with time. Conversely the other planets have greater mass and therefore have greater attraction to these elements and are colder as wel ...more

Changing Antifreeze
By ronwagn in Chemical & Material Science

I never change my antifreeze, and have never had a problem. I have always thought that it as long as it was the right concentration, and clean it was OK. What is really needed for good maintenance? A lot of money is spent, or possibly wasted, changing antifreeze or coolant. It is also a pollutant an ...more

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