Friday, 6 January 2012

Demand of Seraiki Province - Seraikistan

  • Author:
  • Send To:
    Govt. of Pakistan
  • Sponsored By:
    Seraiki people of Pakistan
  • More Info at: 
Seraiki is the largest spoken language in Pakistan (first language of more than 45 million people). Seraiki is also the representative language of ancient Indus valley civilization of India-Pakistan.

Seraiki area has been a seperate administrative region for centuries (before the British rule in India) and has a separate cultural identity from Punjabi culture. However after the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Seraiki area was made a part of Punjab province.

Unfortunately, Seraiki area (also called South Punjab) has been severally neglected in last 60 years and no significant work has been done to preserve Seraiki language or culture. There is few or no representation of Seraiki language and culture on the national media (despite the fact that Seraiki is the most widely spoken language in Pakistan). Administratively, Seraiki districts are far away from the capital of Punjab i.e. Lahore and this makes it difficult for the Seraiki people to access the provincial resources.

Punjab is also the largest province in the country and it will be more efficient from adminitrative points of view to divide this large province into two relatively smaller provinces (Seraikistan and upper Punjab).

The objective of this petition is to demand a new province for Seraiki people of Pakistan. Seraikistan will consist of Sargodha, Multan, DG Khan and Bahawalpur divisions (alongwith some adjoining areas of other districts) and Multan will be the provincial capital due to its central location. A separate TV station and introduction of Seraiki language as a complulsory subject in the schools in Seraikistan province are a part of this demand.

We aim to gather 1 million signatures for this petition (including from non-seraiki people who support the idea behind Seraiki province).

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