Hindrance in the Rivival of Indus Valley and Seraikistan
Decolinization from the British Imperialism in 19th century of the Indian sub continent was of peculiar nature all over the world-- because India was particularly a multinational, multicultural, multi-religious and centuries old multi class part of the world, with all of the population living with oneness and brotherly relationship. Its started with mutiny within Indian army against their British command killing the officers for sometimes. Afterward Indian soldiers from nook and corner gathered around the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar. They fought a war for freedom under his symbolic command in which British had to bear heavy losses. None among the multinational Indians extended cooperation to British rulers except the Punjabis. It will be interesting to note that Punjabis in second decade of 19th century had extended their might to the French against the Bristish Empire. Ranjeet Singh of Punjab had conquered Multan a British ally with the help of France in 1818. Anyway it was not very difficult for British to maneuver the “Marshall race who are ever loyal to their own interests†and with the help of heavy armory they succeeded to breakthrough the red fort of Delhi in 1957. The Indian fighters were overpowered and the emperor was captured. This changed role of the Punjabis was a significant milestone in the history of subcontinent upto the present days. But the end of militant struggle under the symbolic of command of halfhearted monarch proved to be a blessing in disguise for the freedom seekers. It gave way to a nonviolent political phase in the freedom movement involving the Indian masses up to the grass root level. In spite of military victory, the British were disappointed and helpless over this changed situation. Even their Punjabi friends could do nothing at that juncture; they could only obey the orders and used the guns. Formation of a political organization the Indian national congress in 1885 provided political leadership up to the lowest level. Boosting the moral of millions and millions of Indian regardless of caste creed and religion against the imperialist rulers. In short towards the end of 19th century freedom movement in subcontinent caught such a momentum that could break any strong hold. While British industry was mostly dependent on the raw materials from India so a great economic setback was apprehended with independence of India. Politically Great Britain was a super power of those times due to India being its colony viceroy of India lived so pompously and Indians were the most obedient servants of the world that the British emperors wished to be a viceroy of India. Full of agricultural and other natural resources India was also renowned as sparrow of gold. When the Indian masses sought freedom from the British rule, Britain was really worried. But more than that another fear haunted the imperialists day night, the communist revolution rising on frontier of the empire. It was quite evident that free India will not only adopt the revolution but also be help full to spread it up to Europe. Because Muslim faction of the Indian national congress mostly the religious leadership had through Afghanistan contacts with Russian revolutionaries. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru of the congress party was renowned as social democrat, while Mahatma Gandhi father of the nation lived in slump areas with down trodden classes. Their opposition annoyed the British and congress leadership was offended jailed or dealt with third degree treatment. But for the Muslim leadership the British were more concerned as they were following the preaches of Jamaludin Afghani about the Pan Islamism. Islamic academies of “deoband†and others in Utterpurdesh were preaching revolutionary ideas in every nook and corner. So the British arrested Molana Mahmood al Hassan and others and sent the Molana to Malta for torture. Likewise the rulers externed Molana Obaid Ullah Sindhi who belonged to the Seraiki area and now buried in Din Pur Sharif district Rahim Yar Khan, from India. When the Molana returned to Sindh after visiting Afghanistan Russia, turkey and some others countries Prime Minister of Sindh Allah Bux Somro welcomed him on Karachi Port. British prime minister took a strong note of this act and PM of Sindh had to loose his office. Even afterwards this act was not compromised and the ex prime minister of Sindh was mysteriously murdered. In northwestern frontier province neighboring Afghanistan and politically led by Pakhtoon leader Abdul Ghaffar Khan of Gandhian doctrine, most of the mullahs were regularly paid by the British for propagating against Russia and its friends as “Kafirs†in mosques. Terror and greed didn’t help and it looked that the British couldn’t keep India as its colony and unable to curtail influence of communism into the subcontinent. Real danger was from the Muslims of India who were connected like crescent up to turkey the threshold of Europe. So the resold to play a political game to check the momentum of Indian national congress and paralyze the activities of Muslims in and around India. They started it with division of Bengal on Hindu/Muslim basis in 1905. Settlers and Muslim feudal fully sided this decision, and when the voices for the reunification of Bengal were raised by public, the British played an other part. They maneuvered all India Muslim league in 1906, a tool in the hands of Muslim feudal to befool the poor Muslims masses. The party claimed to create a separate Muslim country in India after the freedom. Punjab in 1906 was in its expanded position having non Punjabis areas like Haryana, Multan, parts of Himmachal Perdesh and Texella civilizations, Potohar in its fold. It was a strong pocket of the rulers kept away from politics of Muslim league to be used as leverage any time. It was in addition that Muslims of India became suddenly dependent to the British after the formation of Muslim league. This political conspiracy offered immense benefits to the British. They were relieved from continues pressure from the Indian national congress. Instead of being dishonored politically and compelled to quit India they became an honorable third party to resolve differences between and Muslim league leadership. Rather by 1934 a highly qualified and successful advocate leader of Muslims Muhammad Ali Jinnah was helping them to hold the position of a super power in that political scenario. The imperialist power succeeded in laying the foundation of a fort of Islam against communism which was a big fear haunting the whole West. Thus the history was altogether changed in the interests of world capitalism. A slogan was chanted at that time that if you are Muslim than come into Muslim League, decreeing that Muslims were not Indians. It was false ridiculous and taking to sentiments, negating the realities and only to please the imperialist rulers. Most of the Indian Muslims didn’t know that they were being dissociated from the militant and political freedom movement of 19th century. Golden deeds of the Muslim leadership of the past were being ruined and poor Muslim masses were helpless, as toddies were made the leaders of Muslims. It was in the interests of the British that new leaders are elevated properly and that power of congress be shared with their own sponsored Muslim league. Mr. Jinnah was invited for the round table conferences in London on equal basis with congress leadership. The British government fulfilled each and every demand of Mr. Jinnah, so there was a common impression that he was powerful enough to dictate the decisions. He became very popular among ever expecting Muslim masses as a leader who would perform miracles. And that the poor Muslims will be rescued out of their problems by joining his leadership. Pakistan was claimed to be a heaven on earth, so Mr. Jinnah was named the greatest leader “Quaid-e-Azamâ€. The interesting factor of this political drama was that all of the acts were being performed in the areas, which geographically are part of India except east Bengal. Punjab has opposed the freedom movements so they directly followed the London government and had a unionist party of their own not found in any other part of India. Prime minister of Punjab Sir Sikender Hayyat Khan had direct contact with Sir Winston Churchill the British prime minister and he didn’t need any reference or support of the Muslim league. In NWFP and Sindh nationalist parties were holding Pakhtoon and Sindh representation. Balochistan without provincial status and Bahawalpur was an autonomous and sovereign state between India and Pakistan. In these circumstances pre-partition election and preplanned partition of the sub continent thereafter occurred in 1947. Pakistan was created in the peripheries of India on Muslim religious basis i.e. eastern part of Pakistan was 1000 miles away from Punjab holding the western part on the other end of India. Punjab was the only territory divided in 1947 between India and Pakistan in its expanded shape. People of the usurped areas like Haryana, Multan, Himmachal Perdesh and Potohar were also accepting to be freed from hegemony of Punjab after constitutionalisation of India and Pakistan. Expectation of people of Haryana and Himmachal Perdesh were fulfilled as India redemarcated Punjab in the first instance. But in Pakistan Punjab emerged as new colonial power of the area in place of the British Empire. As the British were only interested in erecting the fort of Islam against communism in the sub continent, and as the creation of a Muslim state within India was obvious they didn’t consult much about the geography or public opinion with Mr. Jinnah. Nor were they concerned about the apprehension of massive killings at the time of migration in 1947. They had their strong ally Punjab the Pakistani part of which was understood to be the caretaker of that fort of Islam against communism for the all times to come. The Punjab made its policies accordingly. To have control over Bengalis, Pakhtoons, Balochs, Sindhis and already conquered Seraikis, Punjab formed a ruling clique with the army. From Potohar was produced the army and the other colony the Seraiki area, having rich resources was kept for financial support and helpful to have numerical superiority. Bengalis were the first to raise voice against this hegemony and by virtue of being the creator and the majority population they challenged Punjab in the first ever election of constituent assembly on the basis of one man one vote in 1970. They won the elections and had the moral support of Pakhtoons, Balochs, Bahawalpur united front and some of the Sindhis too. They must have been handed over the power democratically but Punjab/army clique insisted as usual for sharing the power with them with out disturbing their hegemony. On protest the army took Bengalis to face their killer guns. Unlimited killings were done and Bengali women were raped. One of the generals at that time he leaded that land of East Pakistan not the people. Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman was imprisoned in Punjab and other elected members fled to India to save their lives. There, they had a chance to address the Indian parliament where they appealed for help on humanitarian grounds to save their people from being eliminated by mad army. Indian army intervened and the Bengalis were freed from false sentiment of 1906 and adopted the reality of Bangladesh. No war was fought at that time, the Punjabi army was only humiliated without any loss, 90000 armed personnel surrendered, imprisoned after a few months. That part of the army came back to their political base joint the usual task. Punjab was more powerful and comfortable after “getting rid of Bengalisâ€. So-called people government in Pakistan was all out to build a strong army and endorse the annexation of former princely state of Bahawalpur with Punjab, making it more expanded ignoring all the protest. The army on 24th April 1970 had fired upon the innocent and peaceful protesters at Fareed Gate Bahawalpur. Sindhi Prime Minister Zulifikar Ali bhutto thought that he had proved his loyalty to Punjab so he had become darling of the army too. But it was not so, actually the intervention of Indian army, surrender of eastern command, to avoid fresh constituent assembly elections and Bhutto being leader of the Punjabis, chief of the armed forces obliged the president general yahya khan not to continue Marshall Law himself but hand over the power to Z. A. Bhuto. He was the first ever-civilian chief Marshall Law administrator CMLA in Pakistan. even than he had to sign a directive in 1975 according to which a political cell was established in the armies intelligence agency, ISI and that all political practices for controlled democracy including the announcement of “positive results†would be performed by the ISI. In 1977 during election Mr. Bhutto became over confident and turned his back to that directive taking advantage of his popularity in Punjab. It proved to be a big folly of that intelligent Sindhi who dreamed to be a lifelong ruler of a new Pakistan by fleecing Punjab and bluffing the army. He was made an example of misery by the ISI in jail for quite some times and than hanged to death in controversial judgment. Bhuttos betrayal had damaged Punjab/army ruling clique and imposition of ISI authority. So the first Punjabi chief of army staff general Zia ul Haq took over and imposed the first Marshall Law in this multinational state in 1977. The general strengthened the army/Punjab clique and imposed the authority of ISI that after seeing Bhutto’s end most of the political parties readily came under the umbrella of army. They were given the share in government and financial support too as promised in the secret directive of ISI. A mechanism was formulated soon after the breakage of Pakistan that Army equipped with sophisticated hard ware insured politically strong Punjab, and a strong Punjab to feed back a strong army. The importance element of this mechanism was that Pakistan became a nuclear power soon after the breakage. This arrangement monitored by ISI in general Zia’s era drove Pakistan far away from the basic point which was of real importance in the past, presently if resolved would bring peace and normalcy in this region and if further neglected can never let the effort for peaceful democratic world succeed in future. And that is redemarcation and rightsizing Pakistani Punjab just like the Indian part. But general Zia ul Haq succeeded to divert the attention of international community toward the danger of war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the focal point of holy war by sponsored religious militant organizations. Meanwhile interference in the affairs of the Afghanistan through extensive task of ISI after 1971 was matured and Russia physically intervened in Afghanistan 1978. by virtue of that America not only ignored nuclear weapons in Pakistan but encouraged it by giving massive arm supplies to the army. The ISI was trained and equipped by CIA and was established as world class agency, plus the heavy influx of money from all over the capitalist world also pored in. the fort os islam was renovated and Pakistan was even declared a front line state. Army utilized 100% of military and financial support and Punjab, no Seraiki, Sindhi, Baloch or Pakhtoon had anything to do with this give and take. Rather they would have been 85% share holders in the loss of life and property if the cold war would have turned into the hot war for the sake of being in the front line state. Because actual Punjab like the Indian part of it does not hold more than 10% of the total territory of Pakistan and in case of population it is less than 20% inclusive of Potohar. The miracle of hegemony is only because of the army and punjabisation os Pakistan done by first Punjabi Prime Minister Chawdry Muhammad Ali who introduced one unit of West Pakistan formula in 1956. This brain child of the chawdry made west Pakistan a real Punjabi empire by finishing the status of Bahawalpur, Sindh, NWFP etc. and whole of today’s Pakistan was governed by Lahore, the capital city of Punjab. This kept the federation as hostage, utilize all the resources of federating units and enjoyed political power in the international community for thirteen long years. The presidential order of 1969 dissolved the one unit of West Pakistan and it was again in the great interest of Punjab as it annexed former Seraiki state of Bahawalpur with Punjab. That meant the territory of Punjab was expanded from river Satluj to border of Sindh. Nearly seven million acres of fertile state land and a long border with Indian Rajhistan was in addition. Wit this back ground the Punjabi general who led the Marshall Law in Pakistan for eleven long years was not merely strengthening Punjab/ army ruling clique or taming the religious/ political parties. He was striving for Punjab to hold the position of real power in South Asia. Those were the days when they dreamt high targets at the expense of Seraikis, Sindhis, Balochs and Pakhtoons. The turmoil in Afghanistan related to the application for membership of UN by Pakistan in 1948. she opposed the application and claimed backed its usurped Pakhtoon areas from Pakistan. to legitimize that usurpation Pakistan had to develop its relationship that America as Afghanistan had old relationship with Russia. Punjabis Pakistan was already being prepared as powerful neighbor over Russian ally Afghanistan by America and other capitalist world as Pakistan and Afghanistan were pivotal point of the cold war. The eastern wing of Pakistan had nothing to do with the conspiracies against Afghanistan. So after the emergence of new Pakistan the rulers and intelligence agencies got involved in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. Result of this indulgence came up in shape of Russia’s physical interference into Afghanistan in 1978. The fort of Islam erected by the British in 1940s had resisted communism into the subcontinent was now being used to trap and weaken the Russian super power. America and the whole west stood behind Pakistan and flooded it with military and financial aid. The Punjabi military establishment declared holy war “jihad†against non-believer Russia to be fought by the whole Islamic world. This task was arranged by well-trained ISI involving Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and other Sheikhdoms with connivance of America and the west. This was a camouflaged arrangement; on the face it was to promote supremacy of Islam over the globe and holy fighters to be invited from all over the Muslim world. Army to run the training camps spread over for flanged areas in Pakistani jails and its part of Kashmir in plain clothes. In fact the common interest between Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other Sheikhdoms was being taken off. And that was Arab monarchy and rule of Punjab in Pakistan to be sustained for the all times to come. In this inner circle of American coalition Pakistan was working partner while heavy investments were offered by Saudi led Arab monarchy. The actual purpose was negation of democracy, human rights, constitutionalization and rights of component nations, which endangered the monarchy and Punjabi hegemony. These and many more negations could be achieved through promotion of fundamental wahabi doctrine of Islam, dictatorial, stubborn and non compromising. Although it was not in accordance to Pakistani or afghan culture but general Zia made it acceptable by extravagant spending and terrorist activities through the ISI. This was also for the first time that “jihad†was being performed in Afghanistan under the sponsorship of America and western world. So it attracted many Muslim fighter groups from all over the Muslim world. Osama bin laden a Saudi fugitive with wealthy outfit suited the Punjabi army establishment and so he was handed over Afghanistan. Through heavy spending and ISI support he was able to spread anarchy in Afghanistan, which resulted in withdrawal of Russia, than he captured 95% of the land. That was what these Arab adventurists need it, an isolated land from where they could fight with non-believers of the world and hoist the flag of their wahabi Islamic ideology. For that they had paid very heavy amount to Pakistani brokers of that American coalition against Russia. After the withdrawal of Russia Pakistan with Saudi Arabia and UAE established its embassy in Afghanistan to further deceived the public opinion that they were doing all in their love for Islam. In fact all the collection of arm and wealth through Afghanistan against Russia was intended to be used for strengthening Punjab/army clique in Pakistan. Strengthening of Punjab basically depends on expansion in territory, influence and population. After getting rid of Bengal and annexation of Bahawalpur their target is now Kashmir, because Afghanistan was only the source of their might, at the cost of their destruction. It is only Kashmir, which after coming into the fold can make Punjab a mini super power at least in South Asia and in addition bury democratization, constitutionalization and rights of the oppressed nations under more dust. So, much before September-11 2001, Punjabi military establishment had squeezed every interest from Afghanistan and focused their task on Kashmir. When the terrorist on New York and pentagon occurred Pakistan was already prepared to join hands with US led coalition for war against terrorism. The Punjabis historically can easily be adjusted with powerful invaders/rulers and being helpful against the aboriginals resisting power groups they have always been the beneficiaries. They sought help from France to fulfill their expansionist designs over their adjacent territories in first decade of 19th century, on the pretext that would help French to take place of the British. When the British were powerful enough to hold the colonies they extended full support to them for recapturing Delhi in 1857. From then on up to the creation of Pakistan Punjabis were more close to the British even Mr. Jinnah. A country with rootless leadership, having no constitution, comprising the nations who had no share in the Armed forces has been completely on the disposal of Punjabis for more than 50 years now. During this period Pakistan went through many crisis and every crisis caused most strength Punjab/Army ruling clique. During and after afghan crisis when the Punjabi hegemony was in full power, not only the British and Europe but Americans were also supporting Pakistan. It was high time for Punjabi rulers to render unconditional services for the American interest in this area. They are striving to convince the Americans that a strong Punjabi army establishment in south Asia will be of much help for that purpose. Although they are highly militarized and nuclear power too and internally the ISI has picked obligatory friends of the ruling clique i.e. the feudal, the capitalists, the Mullahs and the media men who may be belong to the component nations even then Punjabis don’t have confidence to be strong enough to achieve there targets without having Kashmir into Punjab. All the four oppressed nations of Pakistan despite the propagation and pressure can at the most say that Kashmiris should decide there own future. But this is clear before Seraikis, Sindhis, Balochs and Pashtoons that interference of Punjabis into Kashmir means nothing but expansion of Punjab. Ministry of Kashmir affairs in Islamabad has placed selected Kashmiri parties on the list of ISI according to Prime Minister’s directive of 1975. They are share holders of the benefits of conspiracies, mercenary role and terrorism of the so-called holy warriors. May Kashmiris are settled in UK and what so ever influence they have in house of commons or public opinion that is utilized by Punjabis to muster the American support these days. What recommendations in this regard has the British made to Americans is not known, but known is the fact that Pakistan must have rendered the services of conspiracy, mercenary role and interference into any neighboring country like India, Russia, china, Iran or Afghanistan to safe guard in this area. Negation of national rights was in the foundation of Pakistan, the fort of Islam against communism. And national rights give birth to democratic rights or basic human rights according to the charter of United Nations. Despite the genuine protest by Afghanistan, Pakistan was awarded membership of the united nation because that usurpation was done by Punjab. Afterwards a long history of camouflaged and open martial laws, atrocities rather genocides towards the component nations, process of colonizing and slavery carried up to the 21st century. These and so many allowances awarded to a rouge ruling clique accountable to none squeezing the economic resources of the oppressed nations, naming and renaming Pakistan without constitutional obligations bulldozing the opinion of at least 85% silent majority. There is no second opinion that creation of Pakistan in south Asia was an experiment of controversies put together. And the might of super power has always proved this experiment as right at every juncture of history. By the passage of time the controversies have multiplied and became very sharp between Punjabis and Seraikis of Pakistan. Oppressed nations Sindhis, Balochs and Pashtoons acknowledged this controversy and established an alliance with Seraikis forming Pakistan oppressed nations movement PONM in October 1998. The charter of demands by PONM is actually a formula of peace and justice in south Asia, with basic demands of Seraikistan within Punjab. So the revival of Seraikistan in Pakistan has become a pivotal point for reconstitution of a democratic federation freeing the territories from hegemonies of the past. First the British and than Americans have there interests in this part of the world since 18th century. Since that Punjab is performing the role of care taker to that interest up to date. In turn it has fulfilled its expansionist design and squeezed the oppressed nations of their resources and right of governance. But Seraikis were not only deprived of resources and negated the governance, there territory was colonized and the people were treated as slaves. Due to continues oppression and during the struggle for national rights in 1970 elections, Seraikis were exposed as separate nation. The ISI than established fundamentalist religious organizations in Seraikis areas making it a centre for terrorist acts in and around Pakistan. Purpose being to promote camouflaged state terrorism against Seraikis struggle for the national rights. Towards the end of 20th century American controversies in south Asia began to ease, lessening the patronage the Punjabi army establishment. It was an alarming situation because without the super power on back it could lose its existence. So the circumstances were such arranged that America and Europe would not take there interests out of Indian sub continent. Nuclear explosions were performed and the holy war was diverted to Kashmir with an impression of war between two nuclear powers and endangering the world peace. Religious organizations instigated by ISI chanted anti-American slogans so that the Americans should know that controversy has not ended. In these circumstances, act of terrorism occurred on September 11, so America declared a war against terrorism and decided to stay on in the area. Punjabi army establishment is now a part of American coalition warring against the terrorism which was initiated by them. 50 million Seraikis are witness to this double standard, and this time it is transparently naked too. A big question mark appears in the minds of Seraikis that to get there lost entity, autonomy and sovereignty what course they will have to follow? Who was causing hurdles in their way? Punjab or America, the super power patronizing the ruling clique in Pakistan? Pakistan is country dwelled by the people of Indus Valley Civilization, and Seraikis are inherent of that civilization. They are never been counted in modern age statistics for the known reasons. 20 million in neighboring India is exclusive to 50 million Seraikis in Pakistan residents in all four provinces. But the geographical entity consists of Multan of 1818 and former princely state of Bahawalpur only. All the Seraikis are resolved to achieve their national entity and then autonomy and sovereignty. That means Seraikis are not merely involved in the struggle of nationalistic rights, there is struggle of revivalism. Revival of Seraiki state after nearly two centuries time will cause a real democratic in this part of the world. It can change the situation of peace and justice in the third world too. Revival of a Seraiki state can change the hard feelings between India and Pakistan into harmony and friendly relationship. It is a pride for the Seraiki nation that in this struggle of revivalism they are alone; Punjab considers the revivalism as its elimination and the revival of Seraikistan will complete the color of multiculturism and multicivilzation of the sub continent India/Pakistan and Bangladesh. We hope that friends of international community will not ignore this opinion of the silent majority. Long Live Seraikistan. Long Live Struggle for the Oppressed World Over. Ahmed Mustafa Kanjoo
Decolinization from the British Imperialism in 19th century of the Indian sub continent was of peculiar nature all over the world-- because India was particularly a multinational, multicultural, multi-religious and centuries old multi class part of the world, with all of the population living with oneness and brotherly relationship. Its started with mutiny within Indian army against their British command killing the officers for sometimes. Afterward Indian soldiers from nook and corner gathered around the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar. They fought a war for freedom under his symbolic command in which British had to bear heavy losses. None among the multinational Indians extended cooperation to British rulers except the Punjabis. It will be interesting to note that Punjabis in second decade of 19th century had extended their might to the French against the Bristish Empire. Ranjeet Singh of Punjab had conquered Multan a British ally with the help of France in 1818. Anyway it was not very difficult for British to maneuver the “Marshall race who are ever loyal to their own interests†and with the help of heavy armory they succeeded to breakthrough the red fort of Delhi in 1957. The Indian fighters were overpowered and the emperor was captured. This changed role of the Punjabis was a significant milestone in the history of subcontinent upto the present days. But the end of militant struggle under the symbolic of command of halfhearted monarch proved to be a blessing in disguise for the freedom seekers. It gave way to a nonviolent political phase in the freedom movement involving the Indian masses up to the grass root level. In spite of military victory, the British were disappointed and helpless over this changed situation. Even their Punjabi friends could do nothing at that juncture; they could only obey the orders and used the guns. Formation of a political organization the Indian national congress in 1885 provided political leadership up to the lowest level. Boosting the moral of millions and millions of Indian regardless of caste creed and religion against the imperialist rulers. In short towards the end of 19th century freedom movement in subcontinent caught such a momentum that could break any strong hold. While British industry was mostly dependent on the raw materials from India so a great economic setback was apprehended with independence of India. Politically Great Britain was a super power of those times due to India being its colony viceroy of India lived so pompously and Indians were the most obedient servants of the world that the British emperors wished to be a viceroy of India. Full of agricultural and other natural resources India was also renowned as sparrow of gold. When the Indian masses sought freedom from the British rule, Britain was really worried. But more than that another fear haunted the imperialists day night, the communist revolution rising on frontier of the empire. It was quite evident that free India will not only adopt the revolution but also be help full to spread it up to Europe. Because Muslim faction of the Indian national congress mostly the religious leadership had through Afghanistan contacts with Russian revolutionaries. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru of the congress party was renowned as social democrat, while Mahatma Gandhi father of the nation lived in slump areas with down trodden classes. Their opposition annoyed the British and congress leadership was offended jailed or dealt with third degree treatment. But for the Muslim leadership the British were more concerned as they were following the preaches of Jamaludin Afghani about the Pan Islamism. Islamic academies of “deoband†and others in Utterpurdesh were preaching revolutionary ideas in every nook and corner. So the British arrested Molana Mahmood al Hassan and others and sent the Molana to Malta for torture. Likewise the rulers externed Molana Obaid Ullah Sindhi who belonged to the Seraiki area and now buried in Din Pur Sharif district Rahim Yar Khan, from India. When the Molana returned to Sindh after visiting Afghanistan Russia, turkey and some others countries Prime Minister of Sindh Allah Bux Somro welcomed him on Karachi Port. British prime minister took a strong note of this act and PM of Sindh had to loose his office. Even afterwards this act was not compromised and the ex prime minister of Sindh was mysteriously murdered. In northwestern frontier province neighboring Afghanistan and politically led by Pakhtoon leader Abdul Ghaffar Khan of Gandhian doctrine, most of the mullahs were regularly paid by the British for propagating against Russia and its friends as “Kafirs†in mosques. Terror and greed didn’t help and it looked that the British couldn’t keep India as its colony and unable to curtail influence of communism into the subcontinent. Real danger was from the Muslims of India who were connected like crescent up to turkey the threshold of Europe. So the resold to play a political game to check the momentum of Indian national congress and paralyze the activities of Muslims in and around India. They started it with division of Bengal on Hindu/Muslim basis in 1905. Settlers and Muslim feudal fully sided this decision, and when the voices for the reunification of Bengal were raised by public, the British played an other part. They maneuvered all India Muslim league in 1906, a tool in the hands of Muslim feudal to befool the poor Muslims masses. The party claimed to create a separate Muslim country in India after the freedom. Punjab in 1906 was in its expanded position having non Punjabis areas like Haryana, Multan, parts of Himmachal Perdesh and Texella civilizations, Potohar in its fold. It was a strong pocket of the rulers kept away from politics of Muslim league to be used as leverage any time. It was in addition that Muslims of India became suddenly dependent to the British after the formation of Muslim league. This political conspiracy offered immense benefits to the British. They were relieved from continues pressure from the Indian national congress. Instead of being dishonored politically and compelled to quit India they became an honorable third party to resolve differences between and Muslim league leadership. Rather by 1934 a highly qualified and successful advocate leader of Muslims Muhammad Ali Jinnah was helping them to hold the position of a super power in that political scenario. The imperialist power succeeded in laying the foundation of a fort of Islam against communism which was a big fear haunting the whole West. Thus the history was altogether changed in the interests of world capitalism. A slogan was chanted at that time that if you are Muslim than come into Muslim League, decreeing that Muslims were not Indians. It was false ridiculous and taking to sentiments, negating the realities and only to please the imperialist rulers. Most of the Indian Muslims didn’t know that they were being dissociated from the militant and political freedom movement of 19th century. Golden deeds of the Muslim leadership of the past were being ruined and poor Muslim masses were helpless, as toddies were made the leaders of Muslims. It was in the interests of the British that new leaders are elevated properly and that power of congress be shared with their own sponsored Muslim league. Mr. Jinnah was invited for the round table conferences in London on equal basis with congress leadership. The British government fulfilled each and every demand of Mr. Jinnah, so there was a common impression that he was powerful enough to dictate the decisions. He became very popular among ever expecting Muslim masses as a leader who would perform miracles. And that the poor Muslims will be rescued out of their problems by joining his leadership. Pakistan was claimed to be a heaven on earth, so Mr. Jinnah was named the greatest leader “Quaid-e-Azamâ€. The interesting factor of this political drama was that all of the acts were being performed in the areas, which geographically are part of India except east Bengal. Punjab has opposed the freedom movements so they directly followed the London government and had a unionist party of their own not found in any other part of India. Prime minister of Punjab Sir Sikender Hayyat Khan had direct contact with Sir Winston Churchill the British prime minister and he didn’t need any reference or support of the Muslim league. In NWFP and Sindh nationalist parties were holding Pakhtoon and Sindh representation. Balochistan without provincial status and Bahawalpur was an autonomous and sovereign state between India and Pakistan. In these circumstances pre-partition election and preplanned partition of the sub continent thereafter occurred in 1947. Pakistan was created in the peripheries of India on Muslim religious basis i.e. eastern part of Pakistan was 1000 miles away from Punjab holding the western part on the other end of India. Punjab was the only territory divided in 1947 between India and Pakistan in its expanded shape. People of the usurped areas like Haryana, Multan, Himmachal Perdesh and Potohar were also accepting to be freed from hegemony of Punjab after constitutionalisation of India and Pakistan. Expectation of people of Haryana and Himmachal Perdesh were fulfilled as India redemarcated Punjab in the first instance. But in Pakistan Punjab emerged as new colonial power of the area in place of the British Empire. As the British were only interested in erecting the fort of Islam against communism in the sub continent, and as the creation of a Muslim state within India was obvious they didn’t consult much about the geography or public opinion with Mr. Jinnah. Nor were they concerned about the apprehension of massive killings at the time of migration in 1947. They had their strong ally Punjab the Pakistani part of which was understood to be the caretaker of that fort of Islam against communism for the all times to come. The Punjab made its policies accordingly. To have control over Bengalis, Pakhtoons, Balochs, Sindhis and already conquered Seraikis, Punjab formed a ruling clique with the army. From Potohar was produced the army and the other colony the Seraiki area, having rich resources was kept for financial support and helpful to have numerical superiority. Bengalis were the first to raise voice against this hegemony and by virtue of being the creator and the majority population they challenged Punjab in the first ever election of constituent assembly on the basis of one man one vote in 1970. They won the elections and had the moral support of Pakhtoons, Balochs, Bahawalpur united front and some of the Sindhis too. They must have been handed over the power democratically but Punjab/army clique insisted as usual for sharing the power with them with out disturbing their hegemony. On protest the army took Bengalis to face their killer guns. Unlimited killings were done and Bengali women were raped. One of the generals at that time he leaded that land of East Pakistan not the people. Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman was imprisoned in Punjab and other elected members fled to India to save their lives. There, they had a chance to address the Indian parliament where they appealed for help on humanitarian grounds to save their people from being eliminated by mad army. Indian army intervened and the Bengalis were freed from false sentiment of 1906 and adopted the reality of Bangladesh. No war was fought at that time, the Punjabi army was only humiliated without any loss, 90000 armed personnel surrendered, imprisoned after a few months. That part of the army came back to their political base joint the usual task. Punjab was more powerful and comfortable after “getting rid of Bengalisâ€. So-called people government in Pakistan was all out to build a strong army and endorse the annexation of former princely state of Bahawalpur with Punjab, making it more expanded ignoring all the protest. The army on 24th April 1970 had fired upon the innocent and peaceful protesters at Fareed Gate Bahawalpur. Sindhi Prime Minister Zulifikar Ali bhutto thought that he had proved his loyalty to Punjab so he had become darling of the army too. But it was not so, actually the intervention of Indian army, surrender of eastern command, to avoid fresh constituent assembly elections and Bhutto being leader of the Punjabis, chief of the armed forces obliged the president general yahya khan not to continue Marshall Law himself but hand over the power to Z. A. Bhuto. He was the first ever-civilian chief Marshall Law administrator CMLA in Pakistan. even than he had to sign a directive in 1975 according to which a political cell was established in the armies intelligence agency, ISI and that all political practices for controlled democracy including the announcement of “positive results†would be performed by the ISI. In 1977 during election Mr. Bhutto became over confident and turned his back to that directive taking advantage of his popularity in Punjab. It proved to be a big folly of that intelligent Sindhi who dreamed to be a lifelong ruler of a new Pakistan by fleecing Punjab and bluffing the army. He was made an example of misery by the ISI in jail for quite some times and than hanged to death in controversial judgment. Bhuttos betrayal had damaged Punjab/army ruling clique and imposition of ISI authority. So the first Punjabi chief of army staff general Zia ul Haq took over and imposed the first Marshall Law in this multinational state in 1977. The general strengthened the army/Punjab clique and imposed the authority of ISI that after seeing Bhutto’s end most of the political parties readily came under the umbrella of army. They were given the share in government and financial support too as promised in the secret directive of ISI. A mechanism was formulated soon after the breakage of Pakistan that Army equipped with sophisticated hard ware insured politically strong Punjab, and a strong Punjab to feed back a strong army. The importance element of this mechanism was that Pakistan became a nuclear power soon after the breakage. This arrangement monitored by ISI in general Zia’s era drove Pakistan far away from the basic point which was of real importance in the past, presently if resolved would bring peace and normalcy in this region and if further neglected can never let the effort for peaceful democratic world succeed in future. And that is redemarcation and rightsizing Pakistani Punjab just like the Indian part. But general Zia ul Haq succeeded to divert the attention of international community toward the danger of war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the focal point of holy war by sponsored religious militant organizations. Meanwhile interference in the affairs of the Afghanistan through extensive task of ISI after 1971 was matured and Russia physically intervened in Afghanistan 1978. by virtue of that America not only ignored nuclear weapons in Pakistan but encouraged it by giving massive arm supplies to the army. The ISI was trained and equipped by CIA and was established as world class agency, plus the heavy influx of money from all over the capitalist world also pored in. the fort os islam was renovated and Pakistan was even declared a front line state. Army utilized 100% of military and financial support and Punjab, no Seraiki, Sindhi, Baloch or Pakhtoon had anything to do with this give and take. Rather they would have been 85% share holders in the loss of life and property if the cold war would have turned into the hot war for the sake of being in the front line state. Because actual Punjab like the Indian part of it does not hold more than 10% of the total territory of Pakistan and in case of population it is less than 20% inclusive of Potohar. The miracle of hegemony is only because of the army and punjabisation os Pakistan done by first Punjabi Prime Minister Chawdry Muhammad Ali who introduced one unit of West Pakistan formula in 1956. This brain child of the chawdry made west Pakistan a real Punjabi empire by finishing the status of Bahawalpur, Sindh, NWFP etc. and whole of today’s Pakistan was governed by Lahore, the capital city of Punjab. This kept the federation as hostage, utilize all the resources of federating units and enjoyed political power in the international community for thirteen long years. The presidential order of 1969 dissolved the one unit of West Pakistan and it was again in the great interest of Punjab as it annexed former Seraiki state of Bahawalpur with Punjab. That meant the territory of Punjab was expanded from river Satluj to border of Sindh. Nearly seven million acres of fertile state land and a long border with Indian Rajhistan was in addition. Wit this back ground the Punjabi general who led the Marshall Law in Pakistan for eleven long years was not merely strengthening Punjab/ army ruling clique or taming the religious/ political parties. He was striving for Punjab to hold the position of real power in South Asia. Those were the days when they dreamt high targets at the expense of Seraikis, Sindhis, Balochs and Pakhtoons. The turmoil in Afghanistan related to the application for membership of UN by Pakistan in 1948. she opposed the application and claimed backed its usurped Pakhtoon areas from Pakistan. to legitimize that usurpation Pakistan had to develop its relationship that America as Afghanistan had old relationship with Russia. Punjabis Pakistan was already being prepared as powerful neighbor over Russian ally Afghanistan by America and other capitalist world as Pakistan and Afghanistan were pivotal point of the cold war. The eastern wing of Pakistan had nothing to do with the conspiracies against Afghanistan. So after the emergence of new Pakistan the rulers and intelligence agencies got involved in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. Result of this indulgence came up in shape of Russia’s physical interference into Afghanistan in 1978. The fort of Islam erected by the British in 1940s had resisted communism into the subcontinent was now being used to trap and weaken the Russian super power. America and the whole west stood behind Pakistan and flooded it with military and financial aid. The Punjabi military establishment declared holy war “jihad†against non-believer Russia to be fought by the whole Islamic world. This task was arranged by well-trained ISI involving Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and other Sheikhdoms with connivance of America and the west. This was a camouflaged arrangement; on the face it was to promote supremacy of Islam over the globe and holy fighters to be invited from all over the Muslim world. Army to run the training camps spread over for flanged areas in Pakistani jails and its part of Kashmir in plain clothes. In fact the common interest between Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other Sheikhdoms was being taken off. And that was Arab monarchy and rule of Punjab in Pakistan to be sustained for the all times to come. In this inner circle of American coalition Pakistan was working partner while heavy investments were offered by Saudi led Arab monarchy. The actual purpose was negation of democracy, human rights, constitutionalization and rights of component nations, which endangered the monarchy and Punjabi hegemony. These and many more negations could be achieved through promotion of fundamental wahabi doctrine of Islam, dictatorial, stubborn and non compromising. Although it was not in accordance to Pakistani or afghan culture but general Zia made it acceptable by extravagant spending and terrorist activities through the ISI. This was also for the first time that “jihad†was being performed in Afghanistan under the sponsorship of America and western world. So it attracted many Muslim fighter groups from all over the Muslim world. Osama bin laden a Saudi fugitive with wealthy outfit suited the Punjabi army establishment and so he was handed over Afghanistan. Through heavy spending and ISI support he was able to spread anarchy in Afghanistan, which resulted in withdrawal of Russia, than he captured 95% of the land. That was what these Arab adventurists need it, an isolated land from where they could fight with non-believers of the world and hoist the flag of their wahabi Islamic ideology. For that they had paid very heavy amount to Pakistani brokers of that American coalition against Russia. After the withdrawal of Russia Pakistan with Saudi Arabia and UAE established its embassy in Afghanistan to further deceived the public opinion that they were doing all in their love for Islam. In fact all the collection of arm and wealth through Afghanistan against Russia was intended to be used for strengthening Punjab/army clique in Pakistan. Strengthening of Punjab basically depends on expansion in territory, influence and population. After getting rid of Bengal and annexation of Bahawalpur their target is now Kashmir, because Afghanistan was only the source of their might, at the cost of their destruction. It is only Kashmir, which after coming into the fold can make Punjab a mini super power at least in South Asia and in addition bury democratization, constitutionalization and rights of the oppressed nations under more dust. So, much before September-11 2001, Punjabi military establishment had squeezed every interest from Afghanistan and focused their task on Kashmir. When the terrorist on New York and pentagon occurred Pakistan was already prepared to join hands with US led coalition for war against terrorism. The Punjabis historically can easily be adjusted with powerful invaders/rulers and being helpful against the aboriginals resisting power groups they have always been the beneficiaries. They sought help from France to fulfill their expansionist designs over their adjacent territories in first decade of 19th century, on the pretext that would help French to take place of the British. When the British were powerful enough to hold the colonies they extended full support to them for recapturing Delhi in 1857. From then on up to the creation of Pakistan Punjabis were more close to the British even Mr. Jinnah. A country with rootless leadership, having no constitution, comprising the nations who had no share in the Armed forces has been completely on the disposal of Punjabis for more than 50 years now. During this period Pakistan went through many crisis and every crisis caused most strength Punjab/Army ruling clique. During and after afghan crisis when the Punjabi hegemony was in full power, not only the British and Europe but Americans were also supporting Pakistan. It was high time for Punjabi rulers to render unconditional services for the American interest in this area. They are striving to convince the Americans that a strong Punjabi army establishment in south Asia will be of much help for that purpose. Although they are highly militarized and nuclear power too and internally the ISI has picked obligatory friends of the ruling clique i.e. the feudal, the capitalists, the Mullahs and the media men who may be belong to the component nations even then Punjabis don’t have confidence to be strong enough to achieve there targets without having Kashmir into Punjab. All the four oppressed nations of Pakistan despite the propagation and pressure can at the most say that Kashmiris should decide there own future. But this is clear before Seraikis, Sindhis, Balochs and Pashtoons that interference of Punjabis into Kashmir means nothing but expansion of Punjab. Ministry of Kashmir affairs in Islamabad has placed selected Kashmiri parties on the list of ISI according to Prime Minister’s directive of 1975. They are share holders of the benefits of conspiracies, mercenary role and terrorism of the so-called holy warriors. May Kashmiris are settled in UK and what so ever influence they have in house of commons or public opinion that is utilized by Punjabis to muster the American support these days. What recommendations in this regard has the British made to Americans is not known, but known is the fact that Pakistan must have rendered the services of conspiracy, mercenary role and interference into any neighboring country like India, Russia, china, Iran or Afghanistan to safe guard in this area. Negation of national rights was in the foundation of Pakistan, the fort of Islam against communism. And national rights give birth to democratic rights or basic human rights according to the charter of United Nations. Despite the genuine protest by Afghanistan, Pakistan was awarded membership of the united nation because that usurpation was done by Punjab. Afterwards a long history of camouflaged and open martial laws, atrocities rather genocides towards the component nations, process of colonizing and slavery carried up to the 21st century. These and so many allowances awarded to a rouge ruling clique accountable to none squeezing the economic resources of the oppressed nations, naming and renaming Pakistan without constitutional obligations bulldozing the opinion of at least 85% silent majority. There is no second opinion that creation of Pakistan in south Asia was an experiment of controversies put together. And the might of super power has always proved this experiment as right at every juncture of history. By the passage of time the controversies have multiplied and became very sharp between Punjabis and Seraikis of Pakistan. Oppressed nations Sindhis, Balochs and Pashtoons acknowledged this controversy and established an alliance with Seraikis forming Pakistan oppressed nations movement PONM in October 1998. The charter of demands by PONM is actually a formula of peace and justice in south Asia, with basic demands of Seraikistan within Punjab. So the revival of Seraikistan in Pakistan has become a pivotal point for reconstitution of a democratic federation freeing the territories from hegemonies of the past. First the British and than Americans have there interests in this part of the world since 18th century. Since that Punjab is performing the role of care taker to that interest up to date. In turn it has fulfilled its expansionist design and squeezed the oppressed nations of their resources and right of governance. But Seraikis were not only deprived of resources and negated the governance, there territory was colonized and the people were treated as slaves. Due to continues oppression and during the struggle for national rights in 1970 elections, Seraikis were exposed as separate nation. The ISI than established fundamentalist religious organizations in Seraikis areas making it a centre for terrorist acts in and around Pakistan. Purpose being to promote camouflaged state terrorism against Seraikis struggle for the national rights. Towards the end of 20th century American controversies in south Asia began to ease, lessening the patronage the Punjabi army establishment. It was an alarming situation because without the super power on back it could lose its existence. So the circumstances were such arranged that America and Europe would not take there interests out of Indian sub continent. Nuclear explosions were performed and the holy war was diverted to Kashmir with an impression of war between two nuclear powers and endangering the world peace. Religious organizations instigated by ISI chanted anti-American slogans so that the Americans should know that controversy has not ended. In these circumstances, act of terrorism occurred on September 11, so America declared a war against terrorism and decided to stay on in the area. Punjabi army establishment is now a part of American coalition warring against the terrorism which was initiated by them. 50 million Seraikis are witness to this double standard, and this time it is transparently naked too. A big question mark appears in the minds of Seraikis that to get there lost entity, autonomy and sovereignty what course they will have to follow? Who was causing hurdles in their way? Punjab or America, the super power patronizing the ruling clique in Pakistan? Pakistan is country dwelled by the people of Indus Valley Civilization, and Seraikis are inherent of that civilization. They are never been counted in modern age statistics for the known reasons. 20 million in neighboring India is exclusive to 50 million Seraikis in Pakistan residents in all four provinces. But the geographical entity consists of Multan of 1818 and former princely state of Bahawalpur only. All the Seraikis are resolved to achieve their national entity and then autonomy and sovereignty. That means Seraikis are not merely involved in the struggle of nationalistic rights, there is struggle of revivalism. Revival of Seraiki state after nearly two centuries time will cause a real democratic in this part of the world. It can change the situation of peace and justice in the third world too. Revival of a Seraiki state can change the hard feelings between India and Pakistan into harmony and friendly relationship. It is a pride for the Seraiki nation that in this struggle of revivalism they are alone; Punjab considers the revivalism as its elimination and the revival of Seraikistan will complete the color of multiculturism and multicivilzation of the sub continent India/Pakistan and Bangladesh. We hope that friends of international community will not ignore this opinion of the silent majority. Long Live Seraikistan. Long Live Struggle for the Oppressed World Over. Ahmed Mustafa Kanjoo
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